The LEGO Living Room

"LEGO is our life"

"We already have too little space," Maico and Astrid Arts told Kim Lian van der Meij a few years ago. The presenter visited them in Oss for the TV program "collection fever". Since their move to Boerdonk, the stable has had plenty of room for their hobby that got out of hand: LEGO... and everyone is welcome to come and have a look in their LEGO Living Room

Since their move from Oss to Boerdonk, the space where they can display their LEGO has been significantly increased, from 500M3 to 1,300M3. So ideal!

They live on the ground floor, but it concerns the first floor. There is a living room filled with LEGO over the entire surface of the building. "We enjoy LEGO so much, and we would like to share that with others," say Maico and Astrid.

Sharing the fun of LEGO is also the reason why Maico is away from home about 30 weekends a year. He enjoys going to LEGO fairs and exhibitions at home and abroad.

Maico's love for LEGO started before his tenth birthday. He received a red LEGO tractor (for those in the know: 851), and was devoted to building. More and more LEGO sets were added and when he met Astrid, his collection was already quite large.

Astrid didn't really care about LEGO before she met Maico. But when they went on their honeymoon to LEGO land, Astrid also developed LEGO fever. They both have their own preference for LEGO sets, Maico is a fan of LEGO Technic, Astrid more of the colorful Disney, Click-It and Friends sets.

Everything in their building breathes LEGO... There are LEGO vases on the table, built from green bricks. They purchased this set at 2TTOYS, the LEGO store in Den Bosch where Maico and Astrid can sometimes be found. They have built a beautiful friendship with Simone and Menno that arose from their enthusiasm for LEGO, but now goes further than just talking about the building blocks.

Astrid has a grooming salon for dogs at home and finds relaxation in LEGO. Together with Maico, they want to theme all sets and set up a treasure hunt so that children who visit the LEGO living room can get acquainted with LEGO in a fun, playful way.

The LEGO living room is in principle open 5 days a week. On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, on Friday from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM and on Sunday from 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Entrance is free! Because the LEGO Living Room is their hobby, opening hours may change. It is therefore advisable to call 06-43157087 or 06-33313256 for a visit.


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